Trading tables

The trading tables will be available for use by registrants on Thursday 7 and Friday 8 November 2024, from 08:00 h to 18:00 h.

Unreserved tables

A sufficient number of unreserved trading tables for the participants to use freely during the hours the Trading Floor is open shall be provided.

As a courtesy to other participants, we remind you to release these tables while they are not in use.

Reserved tables

The participating companies may reserve tables for their exclusive use for the purposes of BASC2024.

The cost per table (1 table and 4 chairs) is USD 80 (*)

(*) At the official selling rate of the Banco Nación Argentina.

The trading tables shall be assigned in the order the requests are received and the reservation will be confirmed by e-mail. Advance payment to confirm the reservation is required.

The trading tables shall have a sign with the company name. No logos shall be displayed, and the signs shall have standardized typography and size.

The list of reserved trading tables (company name and location) shall be posted at the “Meeting point” banner.

Personal effects and/or promotional materials

The Costa Galana Hotel has a cloakroom which will be available for the registered participants during the hours indicated in the programme.